Thursday, March 11, 2010

The light at the very end of the day,
Blue wateriness coming through the windows,
I hold my child in my arms,
Wrapped in a blanket,
Sleepy head in the crook of my arm
I bounce on the red yoga ball
As I do every time
She goes down for a nap.
On the edge of dreams,
She waits with me
As it takes her over.
Sometimes I start out tired,
A little complainy,
And then realize what I am holding,
What I am doing:
Holding my own babe
As she drifts.
She trusts me;
I love her.
Holding her in my arms
I say Thank You.
Thank you for this gift,
This gift of all I wanted
This precious moment
Of bouncing
Of almost sleep
Of my baby.
Thank you for hearing me
And giving her to me
Thank you that I get to do this.
And I realize
I've been bouncing
Long after she has fallen asleep,
It's just you and me, kid.
Do you mind
If I keep you here a moment longer
before I lay you in your bed,
So content to rest?

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