Friday, May 8, 2009


There is a plant outside that I put in the ground last year, and I waited a little too long to plant it and it kind of shriveled, and didn't do too well through the summer and then REALLy didn't look good with all the frost this winter. It died. It looked thoroughly dead.

It was a clematis, a pretty climbing vine, and I was bummed because it was twenty bucks and I wanted to see it bloom on the trellis.

And this spring, without us even noticing, it was green and climbing up the pole, it had come back, regenerated.

So nice to get a surprise, a good surprise. Its broad pink flowers are all over the place now. Sometimes things grow better when you don't obsess over them.

There are second chances and there is new life. And you never know where it will pop up, and you can't predict it, or expect it really.

That plant is full of good future stories for us.

And so, now, after 12 weeks, I can finally include our little Lima Bean in this blog. It's been hard to not write about her ( I call her her because I need a personal name, not it, and who knows?) so I just haven't written much.

We have a new baby growing, due around Thanksgiving. I feel Otto and I feel her, I take walks with two invisible children. They are always with me. I weep for the loss of Otto, I celebrate little fingers and toes growing, I talk to them both. I walk the fine balance of life.


Mommy Jules said...

Happy Mother's Day, my beautiful Jessica! I am so happy for you!!! And Ryan, too!

Piebald said...

Celebrating with you and Ryan. Amazing...I love the name Lima very darling!