Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things I want to remember:

Her hands holding my fingers as she falls asleep nursing
The smell on the top of her head, sweet and a little sweaty
The puffy cool cheeks as I kiss them
When she puts her hands slowly on my face
Her experimental screams
her words like "bwa" and "mmmmmmommmmommmomm"
Her giggles at things we have no idea about
Her peals of laughter when we kiss her belly
her little feet on my legs as we sleep, warm and cozy
Comforting her when we FINALLY get home and I can pull her out of the carseat with big tears on her cheeks, and she stops crying and sighs
Her wonder at everything in the world
Her beautiful eyes that seem too liquid to be of this plane
Dancing and singing for her as I make lunch to make her smile
So much
so many things
make my heart so full

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